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Ministry of environmental protection official: the effect of pollution reduction should be verified by environmental quality

Release time:2020-10-27 

  Zhao Yingmin, director of the pollution prevention and Control Department of the Ministry of environmental protection, said in Beijing on June 4 that at present, China's ideas of pollution prevention and control and environmental management are undergoing major changes, that is, from the previous pollutant reduction as the core to the improvement of environmental quality as the core, and the effect of pollution reduction should be verified by environmental quality.

  When attending a forum on environmental protection industry held on the same day, Zhao Yingmin said that government guidance plays an important role in the development of environmental protection industry. "In this sense, the new changes and new requirements of national environmental management ideas are bound to bring new opportunities for the development of environmental protection enterprises."

  At the same time, he said, "at present, the National People's Congress is deliberating the law on the prevention and control of air pollution. According to the plan, the revision of the law on the prevention and control of water pollution will be started next year, and the preparation of the law on the prevention and control of soil pollution may be started in the following year (2017)"

  Zhao Yingmin said that the era of "environmental quality" not only brings a series of deepening changes to environmental protection, but also brings new opportunities for the development of environmental protection enterprises. He said that the environmental protection industry is an important material support and technical guarantee for the improvement of environmental quality, and an effective force for the implementation of the national action plan for pollution prevention and control. "The era of effect is the era of innovation and Entrepreneurship of the environmental protection industry.".

  Zhao Yingmin believes that to promote the improvement of environmental quality, we need to start with the systematization of governance objects, the clarification of responsibilities of all parties, the diversification of means and methods, and the refinement of supervision methods.

  He explained that in terms of controlling pollutants, it is necessary to give overall consideration to the prevention and control of major pollutants, primary pollutants and priority pollutants. For example, in terms of air pollution prevention, it is necessary to highlight the control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), industrial smoke and dust, construction dust, motor vehicle and ship exhaust, heavy metals and other pollutants; in terms of water pollution prevention, it is necessary to gradually increase the control of nitrogen and phosphorus pollution Control of objects. Taking the implementation of mercury Convention as an opportunity, the whole life cycle environmental supervision system of toxic and hazardous chemicals in China was established.

  "In terms of monitoring pollution sources, it is necessary to achieve effective control of all pollution sources." Zhao Yingmin said that at present, industrial pollution is still the most prominent factor threatening China's environmental security, but the impact of agricultural and domestic sources of pollution is also gradually increasing.

  He revealed that in terms of monitoring environmental media, environmental protection departments will also achieve effective management of all environmental media. "To improve environmental quality, we need to reduce pollutant emissions and expand environmental capacity."

  Zhao Yingmin said that the improvement of environmental quality requires the government, enterprises and citizens to play their roles and clarify the responsibilities of all parties. "The state will gradually promote the party and government to share the same responsibility for environmental protection, and implement" one post with two responsibilities. " For example, he said, the action plan for water pollution prevention and control (hereinafter referred to as "water 10 articles") identified 76 measures, involving 31 department functions, of which 40 were led by 13 departments, including development and reform, finance, housing and construction, and water conservancy, other than environmental protection departments. "Only when all functional departments perform their duties in place, can environmental quality be improved.".

  In response to the question about how the government and the market can work together for environmental protection, Zhao Yingmin said that "the government mainly works where the market fails", "under the condition of market economy, the government's strict law enforcement will inevitably create huge market demand in the field of governance", and the market not only needs to provide traditional solutions for pollution reduction, but also needs to provide environmental quality improvement The solution to the problem.

  Zhao Yingmin believes that market means is the most effective and sustainable way to solve environmental problems in the world. He said that the Ministry of environmental protection will promote the improvement of the pricing of resource-based products, gradually include the environmental costs into the production costs in full, and formulate the prices of resource-based products on this basis, so as to accurately reflect the environmental damage costs in the process of resource development and use. At the same time, we should promote the green tax policy, strengthen the green regulation of financial capital market, improve the green trade mechanism, and promote the construction of green supply chain.

  "The development of environmental protection industry determines the ability and level of China's pollution prevention and control and improvement of environmental quality." Zhao Yingmin said that the development of environmental protection industry needs to vigorously attract social capital, and the state has created conditions for social capital to enter the field of pollution prevention and control.

  For example, he said that the recently issued "ten water regulations" is expected to boost GDP growth by about 5.7 trillion yuan. Among them, measures such as increasing investment in pollution control, greatly improving pollution control technology, research and development of environmental protection equipment and industrialization level will drive the environmental protection industry to increase production by about 190 million yuan and directly purchase environmental protection products and services by about 1.4 trillion yuan.